Aug 8, 2022

Transplanting Rhododendron

Brent K

Transplanting Large Rhododendron

We are downsizing an overgrown, mature garden here transplanting large Rhododendron shrubs. These root balls pack a lot of weight and are hearty old growth.

1. Digging out the root ball

Getting to the bottom of the roots to free the Rhododendron from its home. We have modified the shovels with kicker handles and sharpened spade for better root cutting success.

Cutting the bottom roots to free the Rhododendron.

2. Digging the Drip Line

A root ball of this size will weigh a couple hundred pounds. Once free of the root's grasp, we can wrap the root ball in burlap to protect it during transport to it's new home.

The dig is done, that is a lot of roots.

3. Walking the planks

Cedar planks are a great technique for getting a heavy root ball out of a hole.

It is best to get very large root systems out of the hole before manipulating.

4. Having a Ball

This root ball is wrapped in burlap in preparation for transporting it to its new home. Heavy pruning was done before the digging began to help with recovering from the shock of transplanting.

Wrapped up and ready to roll.

4. Grounding Experience

Two of the seven large Rhododendron have been successfully transplanted. Each hole we dug was several feet across and deep, requiring 2 yards each of fresh soil blend to nest the roots in.

A new home.
The Big Move is done.
Garden Pruning Productions was started with a mission to promote and provide authentic Japanese style gardening. From years as a hobby, we began by rescuing neglected Lace leaf Maples. Soon, word got around and demand began to grow as people with these trees wanted help they could trust.
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