

We have years of training and experience in specialized authentic Japanese gardening.

Our mission

The mission behind our landscaping services

Garden Pruning Productions was started with a mission to promote and provide authentic Japanese style gardening. From years as a hobby, we began by rescuing neglected Lace leaf Maples. Soon, word got around and demand began to grow as people with these trees wanted help they could trust.


Our work values

We deliver value by bringing a set of skills and experience to your garden. We provide cost competitive Japanese garden services to our clients. Done right, at the right price.

Eco Friendly

Always reduce, re-use and recycle as much as possible. Keep it clean, keep it green.


Do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

Done with love

We started out as a hobby and turned into a passion with a desire to help others.

Easy to maintain

A well designed garden should be easy to maintain. Aggressive plants are minimalized, client preferences permitting.


We strive to pursue value in every project & work with our clients to meet their needs individually.

High quality

Following the Japanese concept of Kaizen, we continuously improve our processes. Sharpen the saw.

Our Experience

Why work with us?

Seasonal Services

Every plant and tree has a pruning season. Knowing when to prune is crucial to a successful pruning project. Pruning is not about removing the past but more about encouraging the future growth.

Top Resources & Connections

From the Master Pruners we have trained with, to the labor and skilled technical resources, Garden Pruning Productions can leverage a great list of resources to add that special touch to your garden.

Value Driven Approach

We deliver value by bringing a set of skills and experience to the garden. We provide cost competitive Japanese garden services to our clients. Done right, at the right price.

Get in touch to design a beautiful landscape today
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